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Acne In Cats

Cat Care

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Cats can get acne, too. Blackheads tend to form on the chin of affected cats. They are formed when the oils on the skin of cats fail to drain properly from the skin glands. Acne develops when the ducts are filled with skin oils, bacteria, and dead skin cells. The irritation brought about by acne can cause cats to scratch or rub at the affected spots eventually causing loss of hair and even the development of secondary bacterial infections. Some important triggers of acne in cats include stress, contact dermatitis, a poor grooming regimen, and conditions in which the immune system function is suppressed. Your Murrieta, CA veterinarian may prescribe acne medication or shampoo that contains a small amount of benzoyl peroxide or other ingredients that can break down the skin oils and kill bacteria. Omega fatty supplements have also been shown to help alleviate the development of acne. For more information visit the given link -