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Allergies in Dogs

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Exposure to an allergen can trigger a hypersensitive animal’s immune system to over-react leading to display of allergy symptoms. Allergens can be present in pet food and in the dog’s immediate environment. Some common allergens that have been implicated in allergy cases in dogs include pollen, tick saliva, cigarette smoke, weeds, chicken, grains, fillers, and artificial food additives.

Common signs of allergy in dogs include intense itching in certain parts of the body or generalized itching including the ears, vomiting, diarrhea, and ear infections. Biting, scratching and/licking can lead to areas of skin irritation that can become infected. Itchy ears can cause persistent head-shaking in dogs; this can increase the animal’s risk to forming hematomas. Frequent bouts of allergy without appropriate veterinary attention can also cause behavior problems in dogs as a result of the intense discomfort that they experience. Work with your veterinarian Brandon, FL in helping manage your pet’s allergies and prevent frequent flare-ups.