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Blowfly Strike

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Blowfly strike is also known as myiasis. It is an important concern in many sheep-producing regions around the world. It is both an economic and welfare concern. Fly strike starts when the green bottle fly (Lucilia sericata) lay eggs on the fleece or wounds of cattle. When the eggs hatch, the larvae possess hooks on their mouth to break the skin of the animal and secrete enzymes that can digest tissue. When the damage is done, secondary flies such as the black blowfly and bluebottle fly are attracted to the decaying tissues where they also lay eggs. Affected animals appear restless and may stop grazing. They may also kick at areas where lesions are present. Upon close examination, you may see a moist area where lots of maggots are present and there is foul-smelling odor emanating from the site.

You should call your vet clinic Westminster, MD immediately so the problem can be given prompt medical attention before secondary bacterial infection can set in and cause more serious complications. Visit this site for more details.