Birds have been known to have seizures. It’s not common, but they have been known to develop seizures over time. Seizures may be common health risks for a variety of birds including parrots, budgies, canaries, love birds, etc. If your particular pet bird has a seizure it may be the result of a disorder in the brain, which could be caused by an outside source or be genetic. In general, a seizure will result in involuntary body movements, behavior changes, convulsions, or fits. Many birds that have seizures generally go through three phases. The first phase may involve abnormal behavior. The second phase may involve disorientation and uncoordinated movements. The bird may even fall from his perch, go into convulsions, cry out or defecate. The third phase may involve exhaustion, confusion and restlessness. Click here for more information or give your reputed vets Decorah IA a call.