Always ask your vet before using any kind of shampoo on your cat. Cats do not need to have routine baths simply because they self groom a lot. Self grooming is a natural way to keep the coat clean and to spread the natural oils on the coat. Those natural oils help keep the coat and skin healthy. If you wash your cat with people shampoo chances are it will remove the oils in the fur (as this is its purpose for people). This will affect your cat’s coat health. It can also cause flaky skin, dry skin and other skin irritation for your cat. If you need a shampoo right away then grab a baby shampoo with the gentlest of ingredients and use a very little amount. If possible, talk with your vet first. If you’re trying to clean your cat’s coat then opt for a bathing wipe instead. Talk with your best veterinary clinic Webster, NY for more information.