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Canine Brucellosis

· Dog Care
 vet murrieta ca

Brucellosis is a very contagious bacterial infection in dogs. There are several strains of the brucella bacteria that can affect dogs, but the most common is Brucella canis. The main route of infection is between dogs during mating. But there are also other routes of infection such as direct contact with blood, urine, saliva, and other body fluids. While in the womb or when nursing from their mother, puppies can also acquire the infection. Fortunately, the bacteria can easily be killed with common household disinfectants. The major symptoms of canine brucellosis are most evident in female dogs. These include the inability to conceive as well as fetal abortions during the last trimester of pregnancy. Male dogs that are infected with brucellosis may become infertile and may develop swelling of the testicles. In advanced stages, brucellosis-infected dogs may suffer paralysis of the hind legs, inflammation of the eye, back pain, enlargement of the lymph nodes, and inflammation of the kidneys.

Talk to your veterinarian Murrieta, CA about the best way to protect your pet against brucellosis and other infections.