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Cats with Dog Like Coats

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Have you heard of a cat that likes to walk on a leash? What about a cat that can play fetch or run through an agility course? There are some pretty amazingly talented cats out there that can do a lot of things that many consider canine activities. In fact, there are some cats that simply take on the personality and the looks of a canine often more than the canine himself. An example is the American Wirehair. This breed has the typical cat jaw, round head, and proportioned body. But his coat is more like that of a terrier than a feline. The American Wirehair’s coat is coarse, spring like, bouncy, and even crimped. Even his whiskers are crimped in a similar wire like fashion. In addition, the Maine Coon cat loves to play fetch. This feline prefers canine sports. If you are looking for a canine like feline then give your pet clinic Rochester, NY a call.