Inappropriate urination in cats is different from urine spraying which is a normal feline behavior. With spraying, a cat stands again a vertical surface and spray it with his urine. This behavior is made to mark their territory with their signature scent. The behavior is common among male cats that have not been neutered, however it can also be displayed by both male and female cats.
Cats exhibiting inappropriate urination squats to urinate but do so in places other than the litter box. Some common causes of inappropriate urination in cats include medical problems like arthritis, urinary tract infections, kidney disease, and diabetes mellitus to name a few. Cats can also be very fussy and develop an aversion to the litter box for a number of reasons. Some of the most common issues that cats have of the litter box is the location, the type of litter that is used, negative experiences when using the litter box, and a poorly maintained litter box.
A visit to your Aurora, CO veterinary clinic can help establish what is causing your pet’s behavior. Schedule an appointment today!