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Collie Nose

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Collie nose (discoid lupus erythematosus, DLE) is a skin problem that affect the nose of dogs. It is an auto-immune disorder that can spread to the dog’s eyes, ears, lips, and genitals. An auto-immune disorder occurs when the immune system does not recognize certain body components, in this case, skin cells, and begin attacking them. This can eventually lead to the damage of the nose tissues. The condition is largely hereditary and some breeds that are genetically predisposed to DLE include huskies, collies, German short-haired pointers, shepherd breeds, and Brittany spaniels among others. Early signs of DLE in dogs include loss of skin pigment, redness, ulceration, and skin crusts around the nose. In time, these can spread to the bridge of the nose. The lesions can be bothersome for the dog causing him to rub his nose against something or paw at his face; these actions can eventually cause ulcers to form as the lesions break open.

If your pet has been diagnosed with DLE, talk to a vet care Conyers, GA about the best way to manage the symptoms.