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Diabetic Neuropathy in Cats

veterinarian New Orleans LA

Are you familiar with diabetes? Did you know that diabetes can affect cats? Feline diabetes has been known to affect cats no matter their age, sex or breed. Talk to your vet if you’re concerned about your cat’s health. Signs of diabetes often include a change in eating, drinking, and urinating. Other physical signs can also present themselves as a result of diabetes. For instance, if you notice that your cat is starting to walk oddly and even starts to walk on its hocks instead of its actual feet then notify your vet. Cats that are treated for diabetes often develop something called diabetic neuropathy which can cause nerve damage to cats. They will go from walking on their paws or ‘toes’ to walking on their hocks or what looks like their legs. Thankfully, this is treatable so contact your veterinarian New Orleans, LA to learn more.