Does your dog smell? It’s common practice for dogs to explore scents while on walks outside and then find ways to bring those smells back inside. They can do this by rubbing their bellies or legs in the scent outside. They may also lie in the scent to help it stick to their underbelly. Dogs do this so they can carry the smell home with them and share with other dogs or with their favorite person. So how do you get rid of these smells? Try using regular dog shampoo as advised by a vet. If that doesn’t work, wash your dog again with the shampoo. If the smell is still there then treat it like a skunk smell and use a home remedy made of a mix of 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of vet approved liquid soap. Check with your veterinarian Plano, TX first.
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