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Dog Flu

· Dog Care
 animal hospital Thorold, ON

Did you know that the first case of influenza in dogs was diagnosed in 2004? Yes, a racing greyhound was confirmed to be harboring this contagious respiratory infection that is caused by a strain of the influenza virus H3N8. Because of its contagious nature, it is a primary concern for multi-dog households, animal shelters, doggy day care, and breeding facilities. Dogs with healthy immune systems are about to fight off the virus on their own, exhibiting only a dry cough, fever, appetite loss, and lethargy. However, it can pose a risk when dogs with concurrent health issues (such as lung or heart problems) develop the infection because they have a very high risk of developing pneumonia. Early diagnosis and treatment are very important to ensure a favorable prognosis. The treatment regimen that will be provided by your animal hospital Thorold, ON is usually based on the symptoms exhibited by your pet.