Rabbits have their share of external parasites, too. But before whipping out that Frontline product you are using to get rid of fleas, ticks, and lice on your pet cat or dog, you should be aware that Frontline (fipronyl) is toxic to rabbits. This warning is actually stated in the product’s package insert. Although the product’s margin of safety is wide in most mammals, this is not so in rabbits. Rabbits respond adversely to the product. Unfortunately, many rabbit owners remain unaware of these potential risks.
Clinical cases have shown rabbits developing anorexia and lethargy within 24 hours after being treated with Frontline. There may also be seizures; episodes usually develop within 3-9 days after being exposed to the product. For some rabbits, the reaction can be extremely fatal that they die without displaying major toxicity symptoms. Younger or smaller rabbits tend to be more sensitive to the effects compared to older ones.
Ask your vet Anderson, IN for a product that is safe and effective for use in rabbits.