Keeping pet dogs clean is a common concern for many pet owners who are living in the city. If your dog’s hair coat is light in color, they can easily look unkempt and dirty even just a few days after a bath. While walking with your dog along the city streets, there will be places where there are chemicals or dirty puddles. With their habit of licking their paws, they have a higher risk of ingesting harmful substances. Also, you won’t be happy if your dog jumps into bed with you after a walk in the city streets. While dogs living in rural areas roll on fresh grass to clean their hair coat, city dogs clean their body on the sofa or their owner’s bed, thus always make a habit of wiping down your dog after a walk or giving him a quick brush-out.
During winter, walking on the streets exposes your dog to salt and possibly anti-freeze that can be extremely toxic to them when ingested. The hair on their paws can also get mats after walking on snow and ice. Paw care is indeed very important for city dogs not only during winter but also during the hotter months of the year.
Know more about your pet’s grooming needs when visiting your best veterinary clinic Aurora, CO.