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How To Give Your Dog A Pill

· Dog Care
vet Columbia, MD

Many dog owners who had to give their pet a pill will soon realize that it can be a challenging task. Here are some ways that can help dogs take their medication:

  • Hide the pill in food or treat - Place the pill inside a small amount of meat, a small ball of canned pet food, etc. Putting the pill in the dog’s food-filled bowl is not recommended because you can’t be sure if your dog has actually ingested the pill.
  • Crush the pill and sprinkle it over the dog’s food or stir it in. However, be sure to check with your veterinarian before doing this because there are some medications that can become ineffective if crushed or cause adverse reactions, especially when they are formulated to be released over time.

Ask your vet Columbia, MD if there is a chewable form of the medication.