Dogs tend to get dirt build up in the ears. Whether the breed has long ears (Basset Hound), short ears that stand straight up (Terries and Pomeranians) or even droop ears that fold over (some Terries, Poodles, young puppies, etc.) the ears will most likely collect dust from the environment and even dirt from the ground. It’s important to keep the ears clean and clear. You can do this by first asking your vet about an appropriate ear solution. You may find that mineral oil or hydrogen peroxide will also work. After your vet’s approval, dampen a cotton ball with the cleaning solution and gently wipe at the outside of the ear. Never stick anything in the ear. Stay away from the ear canal. If you notice irritation or smell coming from the ear, notify your vet right away. It’s important not to self treat, but to wipe down the ear and let your Animal Hospital Cherry Hill NJ do the rest.