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How to Teach Your Puppy to Potty Outside

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Teaching your new puppy how to potty outside can be stressful. Just remember it takes a lot of patience and repetition. The best way to teach your puppy to potty outside is to get used to taking your puppy out to potty every two hours. This will help him learn to go on more of a schedule. If he still has accidents then take him out every hour or hour and a half. At night you may need to take him out in the middle of the night or consider putting a diaper on him so he can sleep through the night and you can too. Keeping his water intake down at night is also helpful. You can always teach him to go on potty pads too in case you’re not there. The main thing is to pick a method and repeat it until he learns it. For more tips, give your professional animal hospital Lakeville, MN a call.