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Hypothermia In Dogs

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Hypothermia is a condition that is characterized by body temperature that is below normal limits. It can occur as a primary condition brought about by the animal’s exposure to very cold conditions; or secondary to conditions that negatively affect the body’ ability to produce heat such as trauma, certain medications, illness, etc. Hypothermia is life-threatening, thus any pet with hypothermia requires immediate medical intervention. The lower the temperature drops, the lesser chances of bringing it back to a normal range. Hypothermia has a profound negative effect on the major physiological processes and organ systems of the body, including the circulatory, nervous, and respiratory systems. With the impairment of important body functions, a dog can succumb to hypothermia. The symptoms of hypothermia in dogs include shivering, labored breathing, dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, irregular beating of the heart, and coma.

A pet that is showing symptoms of hypothermia should be brought to the nearest best animal hospital Norfolk, VA ASAP.