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Internal Parasites In Rats

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Rats also harbor intestinal parasites such as tapeworms, pin worms, and roundworms. There are many cases when several types of parasites are present in the rat’s digestive system. The main route of parasite transmission in rats is ingestion of eggs that are released from the body with the feces. Poor hygiene is an important predisposing factor of the spread of these intestinal parasites. Pin worms can also be acquired via the respiratory tract because their eggs can become airborne and inhaled by rats. The absence of routine healthcare and wellness checks at your veterinary clinic are important factors of parasite transmission.

Rats that are carrying a heavy parasite load may have diarrhea, reduced or increased appetite, unexplained weight loss, and persistent licking and chewing of their rear end. There may also be worms or parts of worms in the rat’s feces.

Talk to your animal hospital Fox Lake, IL about the best way to protect your pet rat against intestinal parasites and other important health issues.