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Life Jackets for Dogs

· Dog Care
vets Santa Rosa, CA

Did you know that there are life jackets made especially for dogs and cats? If you like to spend time on the water and you enjoy taking your dog along with you then you may want to consider getting him a life jacket. In some areas, life jackets are required for dogs on board boats just like they are required for people. Life jackets may also be used to help your dog adjust to the water especially if he doesn’t know how to swim. Most outdoor sporting good stores and some pet stores sell life jackets for dogs. Make sure you pay attention to the sizing and breed guidelines on the life jacket that you choose. You don’t want the jacket too small and uncomfortable, but you don’t want it so big that it doesn’t do its job and keep your pup afloat in an emergency. Ask your vets Santa Rosa, CA for help in finding the right size.