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My Dog Eats Horse Poop – Should I Be Worried?

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Dogs love to eat the strangest things or at least taste them once and by strange things we mean horse poop and other natural occurring messes. If your dog is eating horse poop on a regular basis you may want to remove him from the situation. For instance, if you live on a farm then keep your dog on leash or block off the manure or horse fields so the dog can’t get to it. A bite of poop every now and then isn’t going to hurt your dog but if he’s eating it daily then he could get sick. It’s best not to encourage the eating of poop and to discourage it as much as possible especially if you don’t know what the horse has been eating. Horses that are eating pain medication, other meds and supplements could have something in their poop that could hurt your dog. Talk to your veterinary clinic London, ON to learn more. Set an appointment here: