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Overgrown And Impacted Teeth In Chinchillas

veterinarian Portage MI

Many pet chinchillas have teeth that are overgrown and impacted. Like most rodents, the teeth of chinchillas never stops growing throughout their lifetime. In order to wear properly against each other, there should be proper alignment of the teeth. Malocclusion problems occur when there is failure for teeth to align, eventually paving the way for teeth to become overgrown. The defect usually affects the front teeth (incisors) and the back molars. When teeth becomes overgrown, they may cut into the chinchilla’s tongue, cheek, or lips, making eating difficult. Affected chins often paw at their face and have a decreased appetite leading to weight loss. A potential complication is an infection that can develop deep in the root of the tooth.

Another important cause of overgrown teeth in chinchillas is the lack of hay in the diet. Aside from helping maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract, chewing hay helps keep the growth of their teeth in check.

Sudden changes in your pet’s appetite should be checked out by a veterinarian Portage, MI.