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Parasites and Worms In Pet Reptiles

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Gastrointestinal parasites can infest reptiles, too. Just like internal parasites that affects other groups of animals, reptiles with heavy parasite load can suffer from the competition. These parasites feed on what their hosts are eating, which means they are an important competition for nutrients and calories. The main route of transmission of most internal parasites is by ingesting parasite eggs from stool-contaminated food, water, and surfaces. Some species of parasites could actively penetrate the skin of parasites and infest the animal.

Good husbandry is the best way to protect your pet against reptiles. The reptile enclosure as well as the animal’s immediate environment should be kept clean and well-maintained. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water between handling reptiles.

A stool examination is necessary before the appropriate anthelmintic drug can be given. Your animal hospital Marion, IA may recommend once-a-year stool screening.