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Rabies In Cats

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Cases of rabies in cats in the US are more common compared to any other domestic animal. The primary route of transmission of rabies is bites from infected animals. Other routes of transmission include saliva of infected animals getting into contact with a fresh and open wound or the mucus membranes of susceptible animals.

Cats that are not vaccinated against rabies are the most vulnerable. Cats that spend time outdoors have the highest risk of being exposed to rabies because of encounters with wild animals that are reservoirs of the rabies virus. These animals include foxes, bats, skunks, raccoons, and even feral cats among others. There is also the risk of getting into fights with other cats that may be harboring the infection.

The best way to protect your pet against rabies is to make sure that the animal’s rabies vaccination is up-to-date. Even if your cat has been vaccinated, have your pet checked by a veterinarian White Rock, TX if he has gotten into a fight with another cat. Visit this website Casa Linda Animal Clinic to learn more.