Many cat owners do love kissing their kitty. But is it safe to do so?
If your immune system is healthy and your furball is free of any health issue and parasites, then an odd peck won’t probably be much of an issue. However, experts advise against kissing sick cats or kissing cats on their lips. There are many zoonotic disease that can be transmitted from cats to humans. Both can also become infected with common pathogens such as E. coli, Staphylococcus, Pasteurella, and Salmonella. These bacteria are highly contagious. Another zoonotic problem that can easily be passed on from cats to humans and vice versa is ringworm, a fungal infection. While it’s not really a serious condition, it can be challenge to treat and once you get it, you can easily give it to other people or pets. There’s also a study that suggests that the mouth of cats harbor certain bacteria that has been linked to gum disease.
Your veterinarian Rochester, NY is a valuable source of information about your pet’s health and behavior. Visit this link to know more: