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The Importance of Hydration in Cats

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During the warm summer months it’s important to check your cat frequently to ensure she is staying healthy and hydrated. You can check to make sure your cat is hydrated by doing a skin and gum test. Look at the gums to see if they are a healthy pink or a white color. White or pale pink can signal dehydration as well as illness. Call your vet if your cat’s gums are white or light in color. For the skin test, pull a small put of your cat’s skin. It should bounce back quickly showing a good elasticity. Skin that sags or hangs can be a sign of dehydration. Help your cat stay hydrated by providing her with one or more bowls of fresh water inside and outside. Use a cat fountain to keep the water moving so it doesn’t get stagnant. Your Webster, NY veterinarian can tell you that moving water may also help attract your cat and encourage her to drink more. Schedule an appointment today!