It may seem natural to feed dogs with bones. After all, isn’t that what we’re used to seeing on television? This may not always be the case. Though dogs do have a love affair for bones and some are good for them, certain kinds may be harmful to our furry canines.
You’d be surprised to know that cooked bones are especially bad for your dog because they’ve already softened from cooking. They can easily break and splinter. If ingested, bone splinters can cause injury to your dog’s mouth and stomach. They have also been known to chip teeth and block the windpipe.
Uncooked bones are more ideal. They can be hard enough to withstand your dog’s bites. Uncooked chicken bones are great for your dogs, they’re edible and can easily be swallowed without trouble. If you’re uncomfortable with your dog chowing down on small bones you can give him big chunks to chew on instead.
You can consult your veterinarian Cincinnati, OH to know what kinds of bones are right for your dog. Visit this link for more details: