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Tips for Sending Your Cat out Into the Snow

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Cats love to go outside, and when they’re used to going outside, it can be hard to keep them indoors. That’s even the case when it’s cold and snowy! You can still let your pet outside as long as you follow these tips.

Follow your cat’s lead. He may think he wants to go outside, but as soon as you open the door, he changes his mind. It’s normal to get frustrated and want to throw your pet outdoors for annoying you, but if he decides going outside isn’t what he wants after all, you should allow him to stay inside.

Only let your pet outside if you will be home to let him back inside. That way he doesn’t get trapped out in the cold all day while you’re at work.

An insulated cat shelter can keep your kitty warm too! Ask your vet clinic Burlington, ON to provide you with tips on how to build one.