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Tips To Avoid Kidney Disease In Cats

· Cats care
animal hospital Louisville, CO

Many cats suffer from chronic kidney disease. An early symptom of kidney disease is a noticeable increase in water intake with a consequent increase and frequency of urination. When kidneys are damaged, they are unable to function efficiently and one of the results is the inability to concentrate urine. Without proper intervention, ill cats soon lose weight, shed hair, and tend to have little appetite. Vomiting may occur as toxins in the body accumulate in the bloodstream. Ulcers will develop in the mouth and the cat becomes increasingly weak and lethargic and gives off an ammonia odor.

Kidney function starts to deteriorate when a significant portion of the nephrons (the basic functional unit of the kidney) are destroyed. Clinical symptoms start to manifest when about two-thirds of the nephrons are not working. Chronic kidney disease is commonly diagnosed in senior cats. The primary causes have not been fully established.
Sudden changes in your pet’s drinking and urination habits should require an appointment with your animal hospital Louisville, CO immediately.