A good flea preventive program is necessary to protect pets from fleas throughout the year. It should include giving an effective flea medication to your pet and vigilance on your part. There are now various treatment and preventive options, unfortunately, not all are appropriate for cats. Dog flea treatment should never be used on cats without advice from a veterinarian. Many of these products contain permethrin as the active ingredient which is very toxic to cats. Use on cats can result in death. Fleas are not just around during summer, their population may also rise during winter when houses are warmed up by central heating causing the flea eggs to hatch and develop until they become adults. During heavy infestations, there is a need to treat your pet/s as well as your home to get rid of all the lifestages of fleas which are important sources of reinfection. This is one important reason for a year-round flea preventive program for pets. Ask your vet Lakewood Ranch, FL about it.