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Training Your Cat

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Training your cat isn’t the same as dog obedience training. It is meant to teach your cat appropriate appropriate and inappropriate household behavior. List behavior you want to encourage such as using the litter box, staying off the kitchen counters, and using scratching posts rather than your furniture. You will need to use treats to lure your cat into the desired behavior and praise when she complies. Prevent reinforcement of bad behavior.For example, if you feed your cat immediately after she meows loudly to wake you up teaches her to meow loudly at any hour when she is hungry. Don’t punish or yell at your cat as she learns. Otherwise your cat may act out and scratch or bite you. Reward your cat when you catch her behaving. Gradually reduce and then eliminate treats and use praise as a reward as your cat becomes consistent with good behavior. Learn more from your trustworthy vet Greenbrae CA.