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Treats and your feline friend

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You have a cat at home who loves treats. She is happy to munch on them at any time and will happily consume however much you offer her. Why is this?

You know that your pet is safe within your home and that you will go the extra mile to ensure she is well cared for. However, this doesn’t negate her instincts, as these have served her wild ancestors well. In the wild, it can be rather difficult to guarantee a meal. This means that it’s important to take advantage of food when it presents itself. Your cat does this by gobbling down the treats you offer. They can also be enjoyable for her as they offer some variety from her typical diet at mealtimes. Your local Frisco, TX vet clinic can help you better understand what your pet needs from you. Click this site Coit Hedgcoxe Animal Hospital for additional details.