Not all cats will need a coat or blanket for the winter time. However, if your cat has little to no fur (i.e. Siamese) then he may need some extra warmth when going outdoors for any length of time. You can help him stay warm by providing a warm blanket or coat. Most pet stores offer a variety of coats for cats, but if you’re looking for something durable that will last check out outdoor sporting good stores or grain and feed stores or even horse tack shops as they tend to carry both equine and canine/feline coats and blankets. Look for a blanket with a heavy fill. The fill is the measurement of the grams of fill used in the blanket to provide warmth. A fill of 150 or 225 g will provide excellent warmth. Go for something lighter if your cat has a decent coat (i.e. a Bobtail). Contact your veterinarian Dunn, NC for suggestions as well.