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What Happens If A Dog Frequently Raids The Cat's Litter Box

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One of the problems that pet parents in multi-pet households often face is dogs frequently raiding the litter box of their cat housemates. Measures should be undertaken to prevent the behavior as it can have various negative effects like the following:

  • A dog that is prone to allergies can experience frequent flare-ups when eating the stool of cats as the waste material may contain specific allergens that the dog is hypersensitive to. If your dog suffers from frequent bouts of allergy, he may need to undergo specific tests and food trials which may have been unnecessary if the dog had no access to the litter box.
  • Cat food contains higher amounts of animal-based protein compared to dog food. Too much protein intake can have negative implications including diarrhea, vomiting, as well as kidney and liver issues.
  • A cat may stop using a litter box that is frequently raided by a dog, which can lead to inappropriate elimination which can be another problem to deal with.

Sudden changes in your pet’s health and/or behavior should warrant an appointment with your best animal hospital Sarasota, FL.