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What to Feed your Hedgehog

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Are you thinking of adopting or purchasing a hedgehog? If so, check with your vet to find the best place to purchase a hedgehog. Also check with your vet to make sure you can own a hedgehog in your area. Some places have made the owning of a hedgehog illegal as they are quickly becoming endangered species. If you’re allowed to have them in your area, they can make great pets. Knowing how to care for them and especially what to feed them is of utmost importance. Hedgehogs need diets that consist of proteins, low fat, and 15% fiber. Hedgehogs in the wild generally eat beetles. You may want to find mealworms, crickets, or beetles for your pet hedgehog. You can also feed him vegetables and commercial hedgehog pellets. Check with your Chattanooga, TN veterinarian to find out how much to feed your hedgehog and how many times a day to feed. Schedule an appointment today!