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What to Know about the Birman Cat

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Are you familiar with the Birman cat? This cat is most widely known for its unique and prominent color points. As kittens, the Birman may fool you. They are born all white with no special coloring of any kind. However, a little patience will reveal beautiful color points as the cat ages. Colors include seal, blue, lilac, chocolate, red, cream and tortie. Most of the Birman cats come in a solid or lynx pattern with all white paws. The beauty of the coloring along with the cat’s playful and loving disposition makes it a well loved breed. In addition, the cat is vocal and likes to be part of the family and the center of attention. He has a chirp like voice and unique facial expressions making it hard to say ‘no’ to his requests for treats, playtime or petting. If you’d like to learn more about this breed, give your Riverbend, ON vet a call.