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Where to Walk Your Dog in the Winter

· Dog Care
Dog care

It can be hard to keep a regular walking routine for your dog in the winter. The cold weather, icy or snow covered pathways can make time outdoors a lot of trouble for you and your dog. During times like these, try to find places to walk your dog that have already been plowed of snow or treated for ice. If you walk in areas that have been treated for ice, make sure pet safe ice melt or sand has been used. Be careful of areas treated with salt as the salt can irritate and burn your dog’s paws. You may want to consider buying your dog snow shoes or carrying pet wipes with you so you can periodically clean your dog’s paws. If your area has an indoor dog park find out what the requirements are to join and plan to go a few times a week. For more suggestions, give your veterinary clinic Lakeville, MN a call.