Dogs have different qualities and personalities. Some dogs are comfortable associating with other dogs and some are home buddies and like to interact only within familiar surroundings. Doggie daycare facilities or kennels are places where dogs stay close together within confined quarters. For some dogs, being in close proximity with unfamiliar dogs can put the instinct of self-preservation in high gear which can eventually fuel confrontations and conflicts. The scenario can also occur in dog parks where dogs of all temperaments, sizes, ages, etc. meet and interact. Dogs that are normally timid and docile won’t be happy in crowded places where everything is new and unfamiliar. The good news is there are facilities where the number of dogs that are allowed is limited and there is close supervision to prevent displays of aggressive behavior and dog fights.
Before bringing your pet to public places, you should ask your vet Newmarket ON if his vaccinations are up-to-date.