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Why Do Cats Groom Other Cats And Their Humans

As a cat parent, you're probably aware that cats are fondof cleaning themselves, as well as their fellow cats. It's an act of love forthem. For cat mothers, it's a way of checking the health of their kittens.  

Cats may also groom their humans. As mentioned, this istheir way of showing affection. Kittens adapt this grooming habit from theirmother, and they do this to their humans eventually.   

But despite the cats' grooming instinct, cats still needsome help from their owners. You can do this to your cut by brushing her furregularly. It helps maintain healthy skin and coat, and it also keeps your homefree from allergens caused by floating hairs. If you're still anxious to cleanyour cat, you can get some help from a vet or cat groomers. They will adviseyou about the proper grooming tools and methods.   

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your petshould warrant an appointment with your vet clinic Kerrville TX. Make an appointment today!  


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