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Your Cat’s Ability to See in the Dark

· cat care
veterinarian jefferson ia

Your cat has excellent vision. She sees better in partial darkness than most animals but she cannot see in total darkness. Your cat’s eyes has features that help gather light, which would be advantageous when hunting in low light such as the prime hunting hours between dusk and dawn. Other light gathering features include large eyes in comparison to your cat’s head and irises that open very wide. There are cells called rods in all eyes that magnify light. Your cat has a higher proportion of rods in her eyes than most animals, including humans. There is also an area in the back of your cat’s eyes called a tapetum lucidum. It is highly reflective to help your cat see better at night. Tapetum lucidum are found in other animals such as deer or raccoon and makes their eyes glow when caught in a car’s headlights. Contact your veterinarians Jefferson, IA area to learn more.