Regardless of what type of diabetes mellitus (either Type I or Type II) your kitty has, the treatment regimen involves a combination of insulin injections and changes in the diet. Being a chronic medical condition, treatment of diabetes is ongoing and may last for the rest of the cat’s life. The good news is, with close monitoring and by following the treatment regimen and the appropriate diet, diabetic cats can still live a long and healthy life. Since insulin administration is done every day at home, your vet will show you how to give insulin shots subcutaneously. Be sure to do it at the specified times in order to maintain normal insulin and blood glucose levels. There is also a need to keep track of the glucose levels of diabetic pets. Cat parents with diabetic cats should also be alert for any symptoms indicating that diabetes is not being controlled by the current medication and bring the concern to the vet Leesburg, VA ASAP. Or visit this website Lansdowne Animal Hospital for more details.