Digestive disorders include conditions that negatively affects the rate at which ingested food passes through the gastrointestinal tract or prevents the proper digestion and/or metabolism of food. Without prompt intervention, any digestive disorder can possibly lead to dehydration, malnutrition, or other serious issues that can negatively impact a cat’s health and well-being.
There are several forms of digestive disorder in cats. It can range from food intolerance or sensitivities, lack digestive enzymes, inflammation of any part of the gastrointestinal tract, or infections. Some feline breeds have higher risks of developing particular digestive problems. Some of these breeds are rex, sphynx, and the ragdoll. Some commonly diagnosed digestive disorder in cats include:
It can be a symptom of infections, body dysfunction, sudden change in food, internal parasites, table scraps, eating rich foods or garbage.
Acute gastroenteritis
Generally, a short-term inflammation of the digestive tract that is caused by eating plants that are toxic, stress, internal parasites, eating spoiled food, food intolerance or allergies, and some medical conditions.
The problem is generally caused by various issues such as lack of fiber intake, aging, dehydration, metabolic disorders, trauma, hairballs, and lack of exercise to name a few.
Any sign of digestive disorders should be consulted with your veterinarian Aurora, CO.