Cats have a well-developed night vision because they need it for their nocturnal hunting behavior. Though it is impossible for them to see in complete darkness, cats are able to see well in very low light. Their eyes possess some anatomic features that can help enhance their ability to see at night or in very low lighting conditions. These features include the following:
- Their pupils are elliptical in shape and are vertically oriented. This makes it possible for the pupil to become more open and let in more light to help them see in low light.
- Cats have a tapetum lucidum which can reflect light within the the cat’s eye so that more light can reach the retine. The light reflecting off the tapetum is the actually the cat’s shiny eyes that we see in the dark.
- The retina of cats have more rods than cones. Rods are able to absorb more light because cones are more effective at absorbing color.
Eye problems exhibited by your cat should be checked out by a veterinarian Salem, VA. Visit this website for more information.