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Dry Eyes in Cats

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Dry eyes can happen to us all. It’s when we wake up one morning with stinging eyes that appear irritated, red, and especially dry. It can also happen in the middle of the day after hours of time working, reading, or staring at a computer or phone screen. So how does this happen to cats? Cats can get dry eye from the environment just like people can. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca or KCS is the medical term associated with dry eye and it can be caused by weather or allergies or even immune-mediated disease, systemic diseases such as feline herpes virus infections, medications, or hypothyroidism. If your cat’s eyes appear to be irritated, red, or look dry and sort of glazed over without indication of tears, wateryness, etc. then call your veterinarian New Orleans, LA and ask about a dry eye condition and possible treatment options for your cat.