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Food-Related Reasons For Vomiting In Dogs

· Dog Care
 pet clinic lakeville mn

Vomiting in dogs is caused by a variety of reasons. It can range from simple irritation of the upper digestive tract to digestive upsets to medical conditions to poisoning and a whole lot of issues. Take note that vomiting is merely a symptom and not a disease or an illness. One of the top reasons for vomiting in dogs is related to food. These include the following:

  • Switching your dog to a new diet without a proper transition period; vomiting can occur as a result of digestive upset. A dog’s system needs to get used to the new diet gradually to avoid adverse reactions.
  • Eating non-food items, decaying food, poop, etc. can possibly lead to gastroenteritis in which the stomach lining and that of the intestines become irritated and develop an inflammation.
  • Eating rancid food can possibly trigger the vomit reflex in dogs.

If your dog’s vomiting is frequent and is accompanied by other symptoms, you should bring him to a vet clinic Lakeville, MN immediately to prevent dehydration and other complications.