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Tips To Improve Your Arthritic Pet’s Quality Of Life

· pet care
animal hospital ashburn va

In addition to providing medical care and natural treatments, there are things you can do at home to improve your pet’s quality of life. These include:

  • Keep your dog in a warm and dry environment because a cold and/or wet environment can aggravate the animal’s condition. When it’s cold outside, keep your arthritic pet indoors.
  • Apply warm compress to his inflamed joints which can go a long way in providing relief from pain.
  • Make your home more friendly to your arthritic pet by building ramps, investing in a good pet bed, and placing carpeting or rugs in places where your pet can possibly slip and slide. This is especially true for wood and tile floors.

Be sure to consult with your veterinarian Ashburn, VA before giving any pain medications to a pet with arthritis.