Does your dog smell like rotten eggs? If so, then chances are he’s probably gotten into a fight with a skunk or has at least come across one that has recently sprayed. The smell can be overpowering and extremely foul for your dog’s nose and yours. You probably want to wash it off right away, but regular soap is not going to help. Here’s some home remedies to help get the smell out of your dog’s coat for good. Some general home remedies includes bathing your dog in tomato juice, spaying him with lemon or orange citrus oils or even just letting the smell wear off. Your Ellicott City, MD veterinarian can tell you that a new and more effective solution is mixing 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide with ¼ cup of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of vet approved liquid soap. Bathe your dog, rinse, and do again if needed. Let the cleanser sit for at least three to five minutes. Visit this website for more information.