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 How Old is my Cat in People Years?

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 There are a variety of theories on how to calculate a cat’s age in human years. Most theories agree that a one year old kitten is around the age of a 15 year old human. At two years of age a cat is around the same age as a 25 year old human. From there, you can figure out the cat’s age by assuming that each additional year after the first two are equivalent to four human years. Sound confusing? It can be. Here’s an example: A two year old cat is 25 in human years. At three years of age simply add 4 to your cat’s age of 25. This would make a three year old cat around 29 years old in people years. At four years of age your cat is around 33 year old. At five years of age your cat is around 37 years of age. For more details, ask your pet clinic Rochester, NY.