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Is Your Dog At Risk For Ear Infection?

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Ear infections are quite common in dogs but some canine breeds are more prone to the problem. These breeds usually have thick hair and/or large drooping ears that cover the ear passages, such as the cocker spaniel and beagle. Dogs that love to swim and those with allergies are also prone to ear infections. This is true to Labrador retrievers. Another breed that is prone to the problem is the shar pei because of their heavy skin folds and their ear canals are narrow which can easily trap moisture and debris. When the ear passages are not exposed to air, it creates an environment that is favorable to the accumulation of moisture, dirt, debris, and ear wax which are ideal for the growth and multiplication of yeast and bacteria. When you are fully aware about your dog’s risk factors to certain health issues, such as ear infections, you will be able to keep a proactive approach to safeguarding your pet. If you notice any signs of infection exhibited by your dog, a visit to your vet clinic Scottsdale, AZ should be made. Visit this website for more details.