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Massages and Your Dog

· Dog Care,pet care
vets Newmarket, ON

Massaging your dog can help your dog feel more comfortable as you develop a trusting relationship. Some massage therapists are trained in animal massage. A professional massage offers your dog the best chance of relaxation and comfort from stiffness and pain. However, you can massage your dog to help him relax and loosen his muscles to a certain extent. Wait to massage your dog when he is calm such as after a walk or in the evenings. Help your dog become accustomed to you handling his body by petting him all over. Use circular motions to massage the neck and shoulders. Keep a gentle pressure and move purposefully as you massage the body of each muscle and along the connections to bones. Massage the entire body in the same direction as his fur. Don’t forget to massage the legs, feet and toes. Your dog will also enjoy gentle stretching. Contact your vets Newmarket, ON to learn more.